Have you ever wondered…

What it would be like If you had access to the truth about something? For example, what if we could tell if it were true or not if something happened in the past? It seems like that would make us much more informed about what we would want to believe or not. Well, with True Eyes glasses the past is no barrier. Because the iris’ response is a reflection of the reaction of consciousness to truth, either something has or has not taken place in the past. So it is possible to detect. In other words, our statement about the past would either be true or not, and hence would be reflected in the glasses red or green light.

This could be useful if we wanted to know whether an actual event in the past had taken place or not. It could also be useful if we wanted to know if somebody actually lived or not, or if they were involved with this activity or that activity rather than relying on information passed down by word of mouth. True eyes glasses would give you the capacity to know directly, and bypass any intermediary processes. Quite the advantage!